Esarunoto Emaa


The Project


How did the Mto Wa Mbu Project come about?

Losirwa Village Council of Mto Wa Mbu has set aside about 120 acres for the purpose of establishing community benefit facilities and programs, as a direct result of Esarunoto Emaa’s instigation. The council was motivated by our passion and accomplishments in commencing simple primary schooling with just two faculty for about 45 young students. Esarunoto Emaa now has a clear mandate from the village to organise and commence a more ambitious effort to alleviate poverty through education.

The building blocks of a better life are essentially the same globally: education starting at an early age, simple economic opportunity, personal and cultural security. The Losirwa community leaders recognised they can contribute land, but little else. Now Esarunoto Emaa has been invigorated by the council for community involvement to advance their mission. 

The Mto Wa Mbu location was chosen due to its proximity to a paved road, available water, land and concentration of people within the Monduli district.  Esarunoto Emaa’s mission commenced modestly. With borrowed facilities from the local church at the urging of the village authorities, nursery school classes were organised, but only

The project’s land is located in Mto Wa Mbu (A),

situated between Ngorongoro Conservation Area

and Lake Manyara National Park.

for a half day. Lunch is typically served at school, but due to limited financial

support and the inability of area families to afford larger fees, the dream of a standard curriculum schedule and facilities remains pending.


  1. Tell me more about the Mto Wa Mbu Project?

  2. What is the schedule?

  3. How is this effort supported from abroad?


We are seeking support to build a community-based school and centre to formalise an existing pre-school program.

For the past two years, 45 nursery school children have been enrolled in classes proved by The Esarunoto Emaa Foundation.

Upon the recent community endorsement with 50 hectares for our school campus we ask your support.